Act of Constitution



Italian Republic, 19 October 2000

In the year 2000, on the nineteen day of the month of October, in Florence, via del Giglio n. 9,

Before me, Doctor Francesco Steidl, Notary in Florence, member of the College of United Notary Districts in Florence, Pistoia and Prato, without the assistance of witnesses, whom, in common agreement among themselves and with my consent, the following parties have decided to establish a new Association:

Prof. Leonardo Longo, physician, born in Maropati (RC) on November 7th 1955 (LNG LRD 55S07 E968V) and resident in Florence, Via XX Settembre n. 68;

Prof. Mariano Postiglione, physician, born in Naples on January 22nd 1926 (PST MRN 26A22 F839F) and resident in Florence, Via di Campigliano n. 90;

Prof. Marcello D’Ovidio, physician, born in Maddaloni (CE) on April 26th 1925 (DVD MCL 25D26 E791X) and resident in Rome, Lungo Tevere Flaminio n. 22.

Said person, Italian citizens, whose personal identity I Notary am certain, request me for the present to act in far the new Association of which they convene, and stipulate the following.

Art. 1) Among the present persons, an Association is constituted which has name "International Academy of Laser Medicine and Surgery – IALMS"

Art.2) The Association’s registered office is Florence, Borgo Pinti n. 57

Art.3) The Association’s purpose is indicated in art. 3) of the attached Statute.

Art.4) All members are due to pay a contribution, and membership fees will be established in conformity with the norms of the Statute.

Art.5) The Association is regulated by the present act, by the Legislative provisions on the subject, as well as by the Statute attached to the present act under the letter "A", following my reading it to the parties.

Art.6) To compose the first Executive Committee, constituted by eight members with the functions as specified below, the following persons are called: Prof. Leonardo Longo (President), Prof. Wilhelm Waidelich, Prof. Mariano Postiglione, Prof. Marcello D’Ovidio, Prof. Mihail L. Pascu, Prof. Khalil Khatri and Prof. G. David Baxter. Dr. Theodore Maiman is named Honorary President.

Art. 7) The first phase of formation of the Association will be closed on 31 December 2000.

Art. 8) The expenses for the present act, related and dependent, will be borne by the Association.

The present act written with electronic device by a person trusted by me and completed by hand by me Notary, occupies two full pages and a third one up to this point, and has been read by me to the present persons who approve it.

The original signed: Leonardo Longo – Mariano Postiglione – Marcello D’Ovidio – Francesco Steïdl, Notary.

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